Saturday, May 15, 2010

5V SMPS Voltage Regulator for Electronic embedded systems & PIC & AVR projects.

This power supply is ideal for power up your embedded systems. I have been used this power supply with my electronic projects. This regulator has the capability of delivering 1 A continues current. The IC has very low power dissipation and no need of external heat sink for most applications. The copper pour on your PCB or ground PCB layer is enough to dissipate the heat to environment.
It is recommend to use this power supply for PIC microcontrollers, Atmal AVR, ARM and all 5 V embedded systems which utilizes current less than 1A.
The voltage regulation is extremely good in design and you may obtain the best performances of the regulator with low ESR capacitor (C3).
The IC has an remote shutdown facility that can be use to power saving applications.

Important : Make sure to use good ferrite core inductor.


  • Guaranteed 1A output current
  • Wide input voltage range, 40V up to 60V for HV version
  • Requires only 4 external components
  • 52 kHz fixed frequency internal oscillator
  • TTL shutdown capability, low power standby mode
  • High efficiency
  • Uses readily available standard inductors
  • Thermal shutdown and current limit protection
Regulator tested with (PIC , DSP , GSM)

PIC 18F452 microcontroller ciurcuts
PIC 30F3011 DSP
ATmaga 128 AVR
Siemens MC39i GSM module

Part list


D1 Bridge Rectifier Any type of Bridge rectifier (1A current rating)
D2 Schottky Diode 1N5819
D3 Red LED

R1 330R (0.25 W)

C1 0.1uf 50V Ceramic capacitor
C2 100uf 50V Electrolytic capacitor
C3 330uf 10V Better to have low ESR

L1 330 uH Ferrite core power inductor

U1 LM2575S SMPS regulator